Friday, June 03, 2005

By the way, not to diminish the hopeful tone of the that previous post, but here's an update on O'Neill. One of the larger problems of her troubled kitty adolescence was her desire to run (particularly before she was spayed). After more than four cat recovery mission with the help of neighbors, I decided that (A) I loved her and (B) I was gonna set her free. I did not see myself spending the next ten or so years chasing a cat who desperately wanted to be outside. She has not come back to me. I'm thinking she won't, and I'm hoping she's OK.
The most atrociously cliched images of the sky used to -- and still do -- make me think of God and feel glad that He exists. You know, the rays of sunlight streaking through the edges of clouds. Glory and magesty, raw beauty. Particularly over the ocean. But last night I saw the most beautiful night sky that made me feel the same thing, only deeper. I was listening to a song I'd never heard before, and I can't remember much about it, just that it touched me and that it was raw and sweet. I looked up at the sky, thinking I must be near a city, because there was a light dome I had never noticed before. Only it was brighter than that and it wasn't tied to the ground. The moon was trapped behind clouds, and it shone through a dark sky like a spotlight in the fog. It was just this incredible, strong hidden light -- like a beacon. I've never seen anything like it before, but I certainly hope I see it again. Beautiful.