Two growing thoughts swim in my gourd, unbidden.
One: I am oddly smitten with the urge for healthier food. Real cravings. Grains, beans, vegetable curries. I am hit also with the occasional revulsion for meats. For me, it's odd, odd, odd. Something my doctor would love, too, given my zaftig form and dairy obsession. (Mmmmmmmm ... my illicit love of cheese remains unhealthily strong.)
Two: I have been tempted to shift my blogging to something a bit more culture, less political vulture. Since I've been on near hiatus I've slapped up only occasional links to music and quick links to news pieces. I don't like neglecting the blog, but I must say I like forcing myself to post music and food much more than I want to forcefeed rants down readers' throats. Thus, I'm taken with healthful food and sweet, sweet music. Both deserve more time and space: both will get it from me.
I suspect I will either crosspost between here and a new, more focused, blog once my current writing course is done -- or abandon this addy altogether for new digs. If Bottlebee is willing, I may pull up stakes and move across town (say, to WordPress or TypePad). If you'd like to follow, just give me a shout.