Saturday, October 22, 2011

Two Farewells

Before I go and get on about one of my other pet topics, I want to take a moment to say goodbye to an a family friend and to a kind acquantance who was very involved in his home town, in reverse order.

Paul Boyd, a local historian, seemed to be everywhere in my significant other's town of Atlantic Highlands. He volunteered, it seems, everywhere. Sometimes it felt like you couldn't go out the door without catching sight of him! I was saddened to hear of his death. There was, apparently, a tree planted in his memory today in that town, and I hope it is a good and strong one that lasts and grows deep in the soil of that lovely place. From what I knew of Paul he was not only commited to his town, but also friendly, smart and eloquently loquatious. I was glad to have met him.

The Rev. Jim Adams' passing does not have a practical impact of my day-to-day life, but I will miss him so much more, I know. I was deeply unhappy that I was unable to drive two hours to pay respects today. He and his define for me what "a family friend" ought to be. His twin sister "Momma J" was welcoming not only to me, but also it seemed to every child lucky enough to be befriended by her daughter Donna (Schulz) Garcia and Donna's sibs Rachael and Adam. Her favorite knickname, it seems, when they were growing up was Mom-bo, and not just for own little ones. "Uncle Jim" was -- like much of the family -- witty, generous and great fun. He had an elegant accent that bespoke his fine education, while his lively, kind and informed words spoke intelligence. I never, ever saw him talk down to a single soul: Indeed, he respected children deeply and both listened and spoke with them with an ease I'd rarely seen. He and his wife, "Aunt Ruff" whom I now know as Ruth Adam made their home welcoming, warm and lovely -- and opened their doors with ease. Uncle Jim never made a big deal about being a minister, but the esteem and love he attracted from his family, from me and so many others are no accident. He did the concept and practice of his faith proud: He was a good man. I miss you, Uncle Jim; and, I pray I'll always remember you.