I'm not accusing anyone in particular. I'm hoping it is just general clutter and disorganization that is to blame, because I'd hate to think anyone was messing with other people's property around good ol' 216. I do, however, need to express frustration with, among other things, the fact that I no longer have a front door or a lock for the home where I pay every month for the privilege of hanging my hat and backstopping the person who has control of the actual front door.
OK, here goes:
I am supporting the economy this month by paying to replace both the small box heater I use to warm the dressing room area on frosty mornings and my brand new graduation watch. Mercifully, the latter was not expensive, nor did I ask for an expensive one! The first may set me back a few bucks to get one as safe as the one I had.
Irreplaceable is the Henkel paring knife with a custom-made rosewood handle, one of only three cooking knives I brought into this house. It was one of the sweetest things my ex-husband ever made for me, and -- more to the point -- it is sharp and useful for cooking, and I absolutely cannot afford to replace it. Actually, more to the point, it is MINE, and if anyone pitched or pinched it they ought to be ashamed of themselves.
Again, no questions asked: If you know where any of these things are, please just affect their return.