Saturday, January 14, 2006

A tiny, unassigned little opinion piece on Supreme Court judicial nominee Samuel Alito: Leave the Man Alone Already Somebody would probably have to comb private records to determine whether I ever managed to become an official, card-carrying member of the Young Republicans. Over the years they've sure seemed to be nice folks. I've certainly attended (and plan to continue to enjoy) lots of YR events and meetings. And I remain proud of the affiliation on my voters card -- particularly considering the GOP's big tent that officially enfolds people of all hue and creed who share a common outlook. Even an engenue understands that lawmakers sometimes feel compelled to employ obstructionist tactics when they have philosophical objections to candidates. However, bipartisanship is not a four-letter word, and bashing is outre. The quizmasters on Capitol Hill should stop letting party politics get in the way of the business of the nation.

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